Living your best life

5 steps to jump-start your year!

December 31, 2018
Posted by Karen Strang Allen

The beginning of a new year is a natural time to reflect on our lives…to ask ourselves if things are going the way we want them to, and if not, to decide what to do about it.

I truly believe life is meant to be joyful, and when it’s not, it’s a sign that something needs to change.

So if last year was a rough one for you, I encourage you to consciously choose to make this year different. To raise your standards for your love life, your health, your career, your home life. To decide to feel better, and to take the actions you’ve been putting off that you know will move you forward.

Here are 5 steps you can take to help you get going on the right foot and make this a great year.

1.   Reflect

Start by setting some time aside (at least an hour or two) to think about how last year went, and how your life is going in general.

Ask yourself how happy you are in each of these areas of your life, on a scale of 1-10 (where 1 = miserable to 10 = completely happy):

  • Health & wellbeing
  • Career & contribution
  • Finances
  • Home & family life
  • Relationships (friends, co-workers, relatives, spouse, society)
  • Leisure & social time (what you do for fun & relaxation)
  • Personal growth & spirituality

2.   Release

In each area of your life, ask yourself if there is something you can let go of to make space for more of what you want instead.

Here are some examples in each category:

  • Health & wellbeing – let go of the habit of eating after 7 pm
  • Career & contribution – delegate work you don’t enjoy to someone else
  • Finances – look for ways to reduce bills/spending
  • Home & family life – purge your home and give away unwanted items
  • Relationships – end toxic relationships
  • Leisure & social time – reduce TV/cell phone/Internet use
  • Personal growth & spirituality – write down worries and burn them to release them to the Universe

3.   Give thanks

Again in each area, make note of what has been going well…of what you are grateful for. Gratitude is one of the highest vibrational energies there is, and what you focus on expands, so the more grateful you feel, the more good things you will attract to you.

Some examples might include:

  • Health & wellbeing – I am grateful I can walk and run!
  • Career & contribution – I appreciate the people I get to work with.
  • Finances – I am grateful for my home, and for heat and electricity.
  • Home & family life – I am grateful for my children’s laughter.
  • Relationships – I appreciate my fun friends.
  • Leisure & social time – I am grateful my city has so many cool events.
  • Personal growth & spirituality – I am grateful I am learning to set better boundaries.

4.   Create new goals

Now that you’re in touch with what you don’t want (#2) and what you already love (#3), it’s time to set goals to help you move the needle upwards on your happiness level (#1) in each of the areas in your life.

I’d suggest setting one goal for each category. Something that is big enough that it substantially increases your happiness, but small enough that you believe it’s achievable. Be sure to include why you want to achieve the goal (i.e. how you want to feel).

For example:

  • Health & wellbeing – I will exercise 3 times each week, so I feel fit and healthy.
  • Career & contribution – I will actively look for a new job, so I find work that is meaningful.
  • Finances – I will save $100 / month in an RRSP, so I can have a carefree retirement.
  • Home & family life – I will repaint the house, so my home feels like an oasis.
  • Relationships – I will plan a weekend retreat with my girlfriends, so I can rest and relax.
  • Leisure & social time – I will take salsa dancing lessons, so I feel passionate and alive.
  • Personal growth & spirituality – I will meditate for 15 minutes each day, so I feel connected to the Universe.

For more support in how to set goals, please see: GREAT goals: How to get what you want this year.

5.   Take inspired action!

It’s not enough to set goals…we have to actually take action to achieve them!

So choose one of your goals, and decide on an action you can take this week (ideally today) to move towards it. You don’t have to accomplish the entire goal…you just need to take that first step.

Once you’ve done that, take another step. Then another. This is how goals are achieved…with focused attention, and regular action.

Wishing you an amazing year, filled with love, joy and abundance!

Share your thoughts!

What are your favourite ways of starting off the new year?



  1. Out with the old, in with the new | Silver Linings - […] 5 steps to jump-start your year […]
  2. 2020: A year to remember | Silver Linings - […] 5 steps to jump-start your year […]

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About the author

Karen Strang Allen

Karen is a love and empowerment coach for single women. Widowed at 22 and separated at 35, Karen’s mission is to help single women feel great about who they are and create a life they love so they attract their dream partner. 

Learn More about Karen