Learn how to thrive as an
empowered woman

Fall in love with you and create a life you love!

It’s time to stop settling and doubting what you’re capable of

Do you feel like your life has fallen apart after your relationship ended, and you’re struggling to regain your footing? Have you been through several bad relationships, and you’re not sure how to trust anyone again? Or maybe you wonder “what’s wrong with me?” and “why do my relationships never work out?”

Love is a double-edged sword – it can either build us up or tear us down. And the reality is that until we learn to love ourselves as much as we love others, we’ll always feel incomplete and chase after the wrong people.

When we fail to love ourselves first, we end up:


Choosing the wrong friends and partners, over and over again


Doubting our self-worth and finding it hard to believe we deserve love and support


Feeling unsure of how to set healthy boundaries


Staying too long in unhealthy relationships and trying too hard to make them work


Feeling very, very alone


Struggling to break free from toxic relationship patterns that leave us feeling drained


Over-giving and neglecting our own needs


Unable to advocate for ourselves and say what we need to say


Stuck in the past reliving painful memories, unable to move forward

Here’s what clients are saying…

“I had the pleasure of doing the Transform Your Life program with Karen.

It was a real game- changer for me in both my personal and professional life. Not only did her program help me shed many limiting beliefs that were holding me back, she gave us tools to use going forward to help us continue on our journeys!

Almost a year later, I am in an amazing relationship with a wonderful man who I never dreamed I would connect with, and have finally built up the courage to start my own business. Thank you Karen!”


Fitness and Nutrition Coach, Ottawa, ON

“THANK YOU so very much for the work you do to help empower women to shine their lights in the world and make the world a better place for all.

As a professionally trained teacher, I have very high standards for the courses I take and the people who lead them, so when I say that this course is very well planned, laid out and delivered, I feel that is high praise that I don’t give out very often!

When I started Transform Your Life (TYL), I had a difficult time even naming emotions, never mind accepting them, releasing them in a healthy way that didn’t cause harm to others, and choosing a higher vibe place from which to act (or not act). I have definitely shifted away from a victim mentality where things are happening “to me” to flipping my perspective and creating positive momentum in my life. If you are struggling or even just feeling like there is more to life that your soul is calling you toward, I strongly recommend you take this course – Karen and the course deliver! Well worth the investment! Thank you so very much, Karen. I am forever grateful.


It doesn’t have to be this way

You’re an amazing woman, a part of you knows that. Yet somehow, you still feel broken, not good enough, and uncertain of your ability to find what you’re looking for… all because you’ve had your heart broken one too many times.

Now, it feels like you’re stuck with this endless loop of self-doubt, loneliness and unhappiness, unsure how to move forward with your life.

The good news is – it doesn’t have to be this way.

The way to end your struggle is to step into your power and embrace your capabilities as an empowered single woman.

Just imagine if you could shift your life’s narrative and become CONFIDENT in who you are?

You’ll LEAVE toxic patterns and beliefs behind

You’ll become the DESIGNER of your life, relationships, career and retirement

You’ll be FEARLESS in going after what you want

You’ll feel CERTAIN of your priceless value

You’ll NEVER SETTLE AGAIN for less than you deserve!

Most of all,

You’ll be HAPPY and THRIVE as a single woman… EVEN without a partner.

All of this is within your reach!


Transform Your Life!

A program built specifically for women who have gone through (or are anticipating) a divorce or a break-up and want to take back their power, create a life they love, and feel confident as a single woman.

Here’s the great news: learning to love yourself isn’t as difficult and impossible as it seems! Instead, it can be a fulfilling and eye-opening journey that’ll help you build the life you’ve always dreamed of.

By the end of the program, you’ll be able to…

Break FREE from your past

Start feeling WHOLE and free to live the life you choose, without being held back by negative feelings and limiting beliefs. Discover what needs to change so you can create a happy ending to your life story!

Be CLEAR about what you want

Paint a compelling picture of the life, career (or retirement), and relationship you REALLY want – without the limits you used to impose on yourself!

Become FEARLESS in life and love

Tap into your strengths, learn how to set boundaries, be more assertive, and become so confident that NOTHING ― no person, no dream ― is out of your reach!

Healing your inner self and rewriting your story is so much easier (and faster) when you are guided by someone who’s actually been in your shoes — like me!

Ready to make that possible?

Here’s what clients are saying…

“I’ve seen a variety of counsellors, therapists, and social workers over the last 20+years and

I can honestly say I’ve learned more about myself, my traumas, and my triggers with Karen in the last 6 months. I’m so much more aware of my feelings, emotions and reactions. I’m learning to process the heavier feelings of resentment and anger. I have started taking steps, dare I say leaps, towards healing myself and working towards better relationships through not following the patterns of my past.”

Lori Jackson

Barrie, ON

"The best decision I have made in decades is taking the Transform Your Life course.

I was newly single after 23 years of marriage and felt so lost in how to move on with my new life as a single person. Karen was able to guide me and her professional coaching has helped me understand how to take my life back by giving me transformational tools to reflect on my life and choices, develop new strategies to move forward, analyze relationships, change habits and create an amazing new plan for an empowered life. I cannot thank you enough Karen, this course has been truly one of the best investments I have ever made. It is truly priceless.”


Ottawa, ON

Meet Your Love And Empowerment Coach

Karen Strang Allen

I got married to my soulmate at the age of 22, only to become a widow six weeks later when cancer took him away. My world crumbled, and I fell apart. It took me years to piece my heart back together until, one day, I felt ready to love again.

Then at 35, my heart was broken again when my second husband and I split up, with two young children in the wake of our failed relationship.

While at first I resisted being single again, I learned that heartbreak can be a tremendous catalyst for personal and spiritual growth. I came to realize the tremendous power in letting myself be untethered… rediscovering my strengths and passions and rebuilding my life with myself at the center.

As an experienced love and empowerment coach who has worked with thousands of women over the past decade, I deeply understand the challenges you’re facing.

And here’s the good news…your life doesn’t have to be an endless heartache or a constant struggle. With the right guidance and support, you can break free from destructive patterns and learn the secrets to creating a joyful life now and a healthy, happy love partnership when you’re ready.

As featured in

Here’s what you can expect in this LIFE-CHANGING program!

RELEASE the pain of your past

  • Get over your ex
  • Shift feelings of anger and resentment
  • Let go of pain and heal your heart

Get CLARITY on what you want in life

  • Discover your life’s purpose
  • Create goals for your life that get you excited
  • Create a vision of your ideal life & relationship

Start CREATING a life you love

  • Rediscover what makes you feel joyful and alive
  • Design your life around your interests and passions
  • Learn how to thrive as a single woman

REDISCOVER your value

  • Embrace your uniqueness and be authentically you
  • Develop the confidence to ask for what you really want
  • Realize your full value so that you never settle again!

Become more ASSERTIVE in your relationships

  • Learn how to stay true to your values/goals
  • Practice asking for what you need and want
  • Receive the love and appreciation you deserve 

Develop UNSHAKEABLE confidence

  • Uncover what’s great about you
  • Create a new identity as an empowered woman who can do anything
  • Feel inspired and motivated to take action

Get UNWAVERING support and encouragement

  • Receive the support and guidance you need to succeed
  • Be held accountable by a community of like-minded women
  • Feel uplifted by people who have been there too and who believe in you!

Who is my program for?

Recently divorced or separated women

This program is designed to support women who are navigating the challenges of heartbreak, rediscovering themselves and regaining their joy and confidence after the end of a significant relationship.

Career-driven women and retirees

This program helps career-driven women who may have prioritized their professional success over their personal wellbeing, find balance and cultivate greater joy, self-care and connection with others.

Single moms and empty nesters

Juggling the responsibilities of parenthood alongside work and other caregiving can be overwhelming, which is why many mothers neglect their own needs in the process. This program helps women finally make their own happiness and wellbeing a real priority.

Women recovering from toxic relationships

Whether from a recent breakup or a series of failed relationships, women who are recovering from heartbreak need guidance, support and encouragement to rebuild their confidence and self-worth. This program helps them break free from negative patterns, heal emotional wounds and rediscover their priceless value.

It’s time to rewrite your story and turn it into a tale of triumph!

You can turn your pain into your power. Whether you’ve just gone through a break-up, have been single for a while, or have lost yourself repeatedly in your relationships with others, I’m here to show you that the key to finding real love is to become a more EMPOWERED version of yourself…one that truly loves and values YOU. One that knows she deserves real LOVE. One that will NEVER SETTLE for less again!

Let’s go on a journey together to help you become a confident and happy woman who knows exactly what she wants and how to get it. The countdown to your happiest days begins NOW!

Ready to step into your POWER and become the NEXT success story in our ever-growing community?

Here’s what clients are saying…

Just a quick note to let you know that not only did I get a job I love this year, but...

I recently achieved another major life goal—I bought a beautiful home with a treed, quiet backyard in a lovely neighbourhood, 5-minute walk to Gatineau Park.

I believe these major achievements happened because of the work you had me do on goal setting and getting clear. Can’t thank you enough!! I love knowing what I want out of life and going for it!! Not directionless anymore!!”


Curriculum Designer for Joule, Gatineau, QC

“I can honestly say I have grown into a confident, empowered, full-of-life, and motivated woman.

I have healed many wounds, gained an incredible amount of confidence and grown to fully love and adore myself. I have seen major improvements in my work life, my home life and my overall happiness. I would recommend Karen’s workshops, seminars and coaching to everyone in search of transformation and greater self-love.”

Deanna Wilson,

Naval Logistics Officer, CFB Borden