Success stories…

Discover the magic of real love up close and become a part of our success stories!

Here’s what our clients are saying…

“I decided to join the Transform Your Life program. So, that training empowered me to create a better life for myself and I learned how to take care of myself and to find paths that work for me. So if you are feeling stuck in your love life, in your goals or anything else, if you have a chance to work with Karen, she’s awesome. She has answers to everything. And I encourage you to do so you deserve it. So I say just do it!

Lorraine Delorme

“Working with Karen is like having an angel’s wings wrap you and hold you. She is supportive, the group is loving. It’s an incredible program. And the best of it all is it gave me empowerment. I have wings, I feel confident. And I know I can take on life and be okay there for myself. And Karen is always there to reach out to. She’s amazing. She’s positive. Invest in yourself. It’s so worth it. You will have nothing but joy. So thank you, Karen. You’re my Earth Angel.”

Mary Dufour

When I met Karen, I was struggling with a lot of grief…and I felt very stuck. I had built up a lot of walls and Karen was amazing at helping me break down those walls…I feel so much lighter now, hopeful, transformed. The whole program is so beautifully set up…it really taught me to love and value myself. So I would highly recommend working with Karen. I think it’s the most empowering, the most valuable thing I’ve ever done.

Rosemary Symington

“I loved that she was so expressive and compassionate and very smart and went through a lot in her life, which she shared, as did all the other women. It built up my confidence. It made me feel that my life could continue after such a great loss. I feel that I have more knowledge and self-awareness to help my son, who’s now 14…I just was too young to give up on life and this was sort of the bolt or the jolt I needed to restart my life. And I thank you Karen for that.”

Tessa Vandiggelen

“I really didn’t think that I would ever find true happiness or love because I was really, really afraid to ever try that again. But I did and I met somebody just amazing. So I would totally recommend for you to take Karen’s course…it’s powerful. It’s life-changing. And it’s stuff that you can keep with you forever and grow with it. It was a great opportunity, and I’m so glad I did it.”

Val Thibault

More client love

I was a smart, attractive woman, so why was I always unhappy in my relationships?

I learned so much from Karen, not just why I ended up with the men I did but, more importantly, how to improve the relationship I had with myself. By the end of the course, I was more confident and secure than ever and happy being single! I was able to make better decisions in relationships and thus ended up with someone who treats me with the love and respect that is key for a lasting, healthy relationship.

If you’re ready to make a change for the better in your life, I highly recommend Karen. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without her support and guidance!

Katherine O’Neill

Before I met Karen, I was lost and feeling a bit defeated in life.

Though I was successful in my career, I was having trouble even meeting any men worth talking to. At the beginning of the pandemic, I felt that I lost all hope. To say I was lonely was an understatement.

Karen helped me see that I had my guard up, from past hurts that I had not dealt with. By going back through a process of forgiving others and forgiving myself I was able to finally put things behind me that were causing the walls. I truly felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders, and I immediately saw results in my personal life and relationships.

I have now met a wonderful man, one of great character, and truly a soul mate. He just recently proposed, and we will be married in December! If it wasn’t for Karen’s program, I would not have been able to accept the love offered by my soon to be husband! Thank you Karen, your program changed my life!

This program was life-changing for me.

Six months ago, I was in a more negative mindset, and although I wanted to change my thought patterns, I was not confident it was possible. About 4 months into the program, I began to feel a gradual shift and started to notice that I did not want to hold on to my negative ways anymore.

I am now loving and accepting myself exactly as I am and will keep practicing the good habits that I am developing. I also know that in the matters of the heart, I have strengthened my resolve to bring the best version of myself into future relationships, to remain true to myself and to not settle!

Marjorie Cenatus

THANK YOU so very much for the work you do to help empower women to shine their lights in the world and make the world a better place for all.

As a professionally trained teacher, I have very high standards for the courses I take and the people who lead them, so when I say that this course is very well planned, laid out and delivered, I feel that is high praise that I don’t give out very often!

When I started Transform Your Life (TYL), I had a difficult time even naming emotions, never mind accepting them, releasing them in a healthy way that didn’t cause harm to others, and choosing a higher vibe place from which to act (or not act). I have definitely shifted away from a victim mentality where things are happening “to me” to flipping my perspective and creating positive momentum in my life. If you are struggling or even just feeling like there is more to life that your soul is calling you toward, I strongly recommend you take this course – Karen and the course deliver! Well worth the investment! Thank you so very much, Karen. I am forever grateful.

Julie Ambury

I have met the most wonderful man.

He has all of the attributes I was looking for. He’s very kind, respectful and loving and thinks I’m beautiful. He’s financially stable. He shows me and tells me how he feels daily.

I want to thank you again for all the support, insights, and knowledge you have instilled in me while taking your course. It really made a huge difference in my life. It has allowed me to be happy with myself, and I have the tools that will take me into the future. You are a wonderful coach.

Rose Richardson

I may qualify as the poster lady for 'It's never too late!!!’ Shortly after my 70th birthday,

I was gifted with getting connected with Karen by a trusted friend. Feeling somewhat uncertain how it would feel to be in a group with ‘gorgeous young ladies,’ I was quickly assured by Karen that her programs are for all ages. This proved to be so true and I enrolled in a series of lectures and workshops culminating in a six-month course.

The knowledge, wisdom and insights that I have gained have completely flipped my understanding of relationships one hundred and eighty degrees to the point that I feel like a different, more confident and much wiser person on the inside. And possibly on the outside as well, as I have received compliments as the months progressed!!! No matter your age, accept the challenge to find your best self and live your best life under Karen’s guidance.

Hope Burke

I took a leap of faith and put my trust in Karen. It has been the MOST amazing experience of my life.

Karen creates a safe space to heal, learn, and overcome past traumas and gives you the tools and strength to change your life. Knowing that I would likely be probably the only gay woman in the class, I can assure you that it made no difference. Karen’s use of inclusive language was appreciated, and the space was safe to let it all out – my coming out stories, grief and past relationships, etc… Karen and her program and the amazing group of ladies made it easy to believe that I deserved more and shift those old beliefs to more positive ones.

I have never been happier and more comfortable in my own skin and in my life. I have opened up and am living my best life right now for my kids and for myself. Washing away the pains of the past opened me up to love and light. I can not recommend Karen enough. She is absolutely amazing. She is a guiding light that burns bright for you to succeed. Thank you, Karen, from the bottom of my heart ❤️

Tanya DiVirgilio

WOW! My life has changed in such wonderful ways. I put my heart into the course work and it is paying off.

I have learned to love myself, have confidence, and know I CAN achieve anything that I really want … I am the driver of my destiny. I learned to let go of self-destructive feelings and beliefs that held me back for so long. I am feeling so good. 2020 is the year I really begin to live my most wonderful life! I have also signed up for her “Single 2 Soulmate” online course. Thank you Karen for coaching with all your love and support and sincerity. I am happy for myself and all the women that have benefited from working with you, and I hope that many more women find their way to your programs.

Kathy Siemons

Karen came into my life at a time when I so desperately needed someone to help make sense of my life, and personal and group empowerment coaching with Karen is one of the BEST decisions I have ever made.

She is a natural encourager, strengths finder, truth seeker and genuine beautiful spirit all bundled up in a positive ball of energy.

Karen helped me discover who I am, what I want, and how to be the best me possible. Through her authenticity, she acts as a role model for me because she shares how she views herself in the challenges and the actions she took to create a life she wants and loves. Karen has been there every step of the way on my journey by holding me accountable for my success and by providing unconditional support.

I feel better about myself than I ever have before, I’m shining like I never have at work and have the greatest friends in the world, for the first time in my life. Believe me, a year and a half ago, I was in the darkest place and never believed this could be possible for me. Transform your Life and Karen’s coaching have literally changed my life in ways I never could have imagined! Now I can see infinite possibilities! If you truly want your life to shift, and are willing to put in the work for yourself, this program is totally worth it.

Paula Larocque

I was referred to Karen a few years back, prior to my divorce actually, and I resisted the help.

I put off contacting her and it wasn’t until I went to a free workshop and saw her in action that I said to myself ‘why did I wait so long?’ Over the last couple of years, I can honestly say I have grown into a confident, empowered, full-of-life, and motivated woman. Karen’s insightful and patient guidance not only contributed to my success, but in many ways was the catalyst I needed to transform my darkness to light. I have healed many wounds, gained an incredible amount of confidence, and fallen in love with myself.

With Karen’s coaching, I have seen major improvements in my work life, my home life and my overall happiness. I would recommend Karen’s workshops, courses and coaching to everyone in search of transformation and a greater connection to yourself and those in your life (or those yet to come). Thank you Karen!

Deanna Wilson

When I met Karen, I was in continuous unhealthy relationships.

Since I took her course, I learned so much about myself, what I want and what to do to get there. Karen is truly amazing at what she does and you will not come out the same person. I am now opening my own business, something that was always a distant dream. I am in a really healthy and happy relationship. Most importantly, I am happy and my whole life changed after taking one of her online courses. This woman will motivate you and it will change your life for the better. I have no doubt of this!

UPDATE: Kayleigh and Shayne married and had their first child in June 2020

Kayleigh McEwan

Thanks to Karen’s precious help and the support of the wonderful women in our group

I worked though old patterns and resistances and am now open to receiving a new loving partner in my life. I’ve also reached a level of appreciation for who I am and a degree of self-love and respect I have never experienced before. I am grateful to Karen for providing a trusting environment with useful knowledge and tools for exploring, discovering, accepting, forgiving and healing all the way to clarifying and envisioning how to live the life I want to live to the fullest.

With Karen’s coaching, I have seen major improvements in my work life, my home life and my overall happiness. I would recommend Karen’s workshops, courses and coaching to everyone in search of transformation and a greater connection to yourself and those in your life (or those yet to come). Thank you Karen!

Lina Bonapace

I’ve seen a variety of counsellors, therapists, and social workers over the last 20+years and

I can honestly say I’ve learned more about myself, my traumas, and my triggers with Karen in the last 6 months. I’m so much more aware of my feelings, emotions and reactions. I’m learning to process the heavier feelings of resentment and anger. I have started taking steps, dare I say leaps, towards healing myself and working towards better relationships through not following the patterns of my past.

Lori Jackson

I am so grateful for this program. It helped me work through some entrenched patterns that were causing me to view my personal power in a limited way.

The program is chalked full of so much support. I have so many tools that have contributed to building resilience in me and to discover what I really want out of life. I am excited about my future!

The biggest take away is that I have the power to manage all aspects of my life. I have the tools to deal with my emotions and limiting beliefs. I have a renewed unconditional love and acceptance of myself. I understand that boundaries are essential and I know how to release and let go of what is not serving me.

I am so impressed, Karen. Your program is very complete. It’s been a huge gift. Thank you!! It helped me recalibrate at so many levels and create lasting change. This program gave me the tools and time to practice living as an empowered woman that deep down I have always known I am. I wish all women could have this same opportunity. Thank you!

Tammy Schmidt

I am feeling WAY more confident and secure in WHO I AM, and taking charge of my own happiness.

Doing so has helped me attract a really lovely guy into my life. Even with a couple stumbles early on, I feel strong and able to manage if it doesn’t work out. I loved the layout of the course. It’s brilliant how you designed it. I love the group of ladies on the calls, and how supportive everyone is.

UPDATE: Joanne is now dating a great guy! (Summer 2022)

Joanne Lauzon

I first met Karen when I attended one of her Dating Demystified workshops and the moment she walked into the room I felt this amazing positive presence.

I decided from there that I needed to see what this amazing woman could do to help me through a difficult time. Through Karen I have met some other amazing women who I now consider part of my circle of friends. I am so blessed and grateful to have met Karen and to have worked with her. She helped me through the difficult time and like I told her if I shed tears now they are brief and they are tears of happiness that I made it and survived the most difficult thing in my life. So I highly recommend her.

Kristina Dobson

When I met Karen, I was living with a guy who was constantly cheating on me. I felt like I was stuck.

I had no idea how to get out. Coming to Karen’s retreat was like a wake-up call. Now life couldn’t be better in all aspects. I’m living in Edmonton (I always wanted to live on the West Coast). I’m doing what I love, working as an international wedding photographer. And I’m with a guy who’s my absolute best friend, who believes in me when I don’t believe in me.

UPDATE: Tracey and Teo have been together for several years now! (February 2020)

Tracey Thomas

Here’s what our clients are saying…

“Karen, yeah, she really helped me see my blind spots, and she really helps keep me more accountable…..I felt like it was kind of like I knew it, but it really helped to be with her in those check-ins to remember to actually practice those things. So I’m super grateful to Karen, and I highly recommend her programs.” 

Chantal Houde

“I could have taken all the courses I wanted, but Karen’s work is so streamlined and it is so precise, and she really helps you with tools and techniques. And if you follow this and we do the work, you are going to have like the same kind of beautiful transformation because that’s what her programs do. They truly, truly, truly turn things around for you, and you end up living a life that was only a dream.”

Jenny Kaser

Karen was a catalyst for a personal development within myself that showed me that I was worth it. It was worth doing that work on myself in order to prepare myself to be able to receive this beautiful man who came into my life and allowed me to have a healthy relationship and see what an actual healthy relationship looks like. So working with Karen was really a catalyst to get me headed in the right direction and lending the love of my life and living the life of my dreams.”

Wendy Mason

“I met Karen in 2019. I was desperate for help because I was meeting all those guys that didn’t have what I was looking for. And I decided to take her course on Heartbreak and Soulmates…I learned more about myself during those courses, and it was the best thing in my life, and that’s how I met two years ago my boyfriend.”

Gisele Samure

“A few years later, I left a very abusive relationship that lasted 29 years. I took one of Karen’s programs, and it changed me forever. And as a result of her program, I met a man who is now my husband, very happily married now for five years, together for almost nine. And I just want to say if you’re thinking about Karen’s program, highly recommend taking it.” –

Karen Benell

“I was having so many first dates but not many second or third dates. It really was like the movie 51st dates. And Karen really helped me to dig deep. What I really enjoyed about working with Karen was that inner work and the guidance she offered as a coach because I really needed some direction, guidance, and support, and she was able to offer that to me…I would highly recommend Karen as a coach. I think anyone who really is feeling stuck in different areas of their life would really benefit from working with Karen and, you know, helping to see where to go.” –

Karine Bollman

More client reviews… 

Of Karen’s online group coaching courses

"Karen and Transform Your Life appeared to me just at the right time--It was a dark period in my life. I am amazed at the transformations that took place and still continue everyday. I've learned how to push through some very deep seeded blocks that kept on re-manifesting in specific areas of my journey as well as in certain aspects of my relationships. I am able to speak my truth, remain more calm, happy and energetically aligned for longer periods of time. I recover a lot quicker from the everyday "downs" that life throws out there. The most important part of this training for me has been how I have learned to be more "grateful" for so many blessings that I overlooked. Some challenges have been a lesson or blessing in disguise. The most painful, heartbreaking experiences have been an awakening or, sometimes a push or tug to seek out something better. Mostly, empowerment. Transform Your Life has changed my life in some very profound ways. I am truly grateful to Karen for this awesome program and I highly recommend it!!!"

Margaret, Windsor, ON

"The best decision I have made in decades is taking the Transform Your Life course and getting professional coaching by Karen. I was newly single after 23 years of marriage and felt so lost in how to move on with my new life as a newly single person. Karen was able to guide me through the Transform Your Life Program and her professional coaching has helped me understand how to take my life back by giving me transformational tools to reflect on my life and choices, develop new strategies to move forward, analyze relationships, change habits and create an amazing new plan for an empowered life starting now and into the future. Karen has literally taught me how to “break free from my past, get clear about what I want for my future, and to become fearless in life and love” (Karen Strang-Allen). I cannot thank you enough Karen, this course has been truly one of the best investments I have ever made. It is truly priceless.”

Lynn, Ottawa, ON

"Thank you for what you do! I am really enjoying falling in love with me. I am starting to have fun with my life. I know I have never felt this empowered. I am feeling great. I wouldn't be here, right now, in this great head space, without your guidance. And I am finally excited about my future...the possibilities are endless. I am getting ready for a fabulous, life-long seat belt is fastened and I am holding onto my hat...because my ride will be an amazing convertible!!"

Susan, Ottawa, ON

“I often bounced around from idea to idea when it came to what I was going to do when I “grew up”. Quick fix ideas and the latest job postings always fell flat and I’d never understood why. I wanted it, why wasn’t it coming into my life?! I’d never realized why until Transform Your Life. I knew deep down what I really wanted, but I was fearful of the possibilities. Karen encouraged us to be confident and so with the “CLEAR” system I’m proud to say I’ve more than achieved my goal. I went from a 9-5, 40+ hour/week job with a 10-hour/week commute to being a full-time international wedding photographer. I work at home, have amazing clients and am only surrounded by those who believe in me. Living out my dreams every day is a phenomenal feeling. I highly recommend this retreat for absolutely anyone at any place in their life. You won't regret it.”

Tracey, Edmonton, AB

"I started working with Karen 6 months after I left my husband. I knew I needed to shift from reactive to proactive and put together a plan for my future, but wasn’t sure of the “how”. Karen’s extensive program follows a methodical process of exploring our past, and discovering patterns that require change. Most importantly, she shows the “how” to change the behaviours, and resulting patterns. Personal growth, whether physical or psychological requires hard work and a commitment to change. Karen coaches her clients to safely push outside their comfort zone, to work towards the desired results. She provides content and tools that are available long after the program ends, and that I still use today when faced with an uncomfortable growth opportunity. Thanks Karen, for setting me on the right track for a beautiful future."

Pattie, Grimsby, ON

"I have really enjoyed participating in the Transform Your Life program. I gained great insights and overall, have been able to let go of a lot of things that are no longer serving me. In the process, I believe that I have gotten closer to being my authentic self whether I am in a relationship or not. I highly recommend this program to anyone who is feeling somewhat stuck and would like to find ways to get past these feelings and towards a path of personal growth and freedom."

Tatiana, Ottawa, ON

“Ok friends, this is an outstanding program. Not just for those of us who lost partners (or got rid of them :), but for women who need a group of women to listen, to understand, to empathize, and to respect you at a time in your life when you have lost something (job or a partner) and you want to work at taking the steps forward to an interesting and satisfying tomorrow. Consider taking this course and meeting these women. It changed my life!!! Luv you Karen Allen.”

Patricia, St. Thomas, ON

“The Transform Your Life retreat was just what I needed to get fired up about my path. Inspirational. That says it all! I loved the structure – release the past, be fiercely present and create your future. The beautiful environment was uplifting. The beautiful people I met, inspiring. I loved how Karen combined presentation with interesting exercises and thoughtful discussion. I left filled with new ideas and positive energy. Ready for change? This retreat will help you figure out how and give you the confidence to go for it!”

Charlotte, Ottawa, ON

“I attended the Transform Your Life Retreat with Karen it was amazing! Karen did an excellent job at presenting the material, as well as providing a safe place to share personal thoughts, feelings and experiences with the group. I found the material to be rich in content. We had plenty of time for reflection and discussion. I was really impressed by Karen's ability to not only teach new concepts but also to provide personal coaching when needed. The retreat was well organized and extremely helpful for anyone who is committed to transforming their life.”

Tauri, Arizona

“The Transform Your Life retreat was the best investment in me that I have ever made! Taking time away from my busy life to focus on me and the way I want to live was life-changing. Karen led us through practice exercises that helped me develop a plan for changing my life right away and tips for helping me keep on track once I got home.”

Nancy, Ottawa, ON

Reviews of Karen’s coaching…

“I am so thankful for meeting you. And for helping me to reflect on my life and to make changes and believe in myself and my abilities again. You are a shining star. I feel I am where I am supposed to be in my journey. I am so grateful I have met you and value your experience, inspiration, intuitions, spirituality and love of life. I will continue to challenge myself and learn and grow. I look forward to seeing you again at a get-together.”

Debbie, Ottawa, ON

“I have worked with Karen for a number of months and all i can say is wow, just wow. As a coach, Karen has the perfect balance between caring and challenging. She created a safe and supportive space in which she both supported and challenged me to face my blocks and do the work to start to break them apart. She came to each call prepared with a game plan, questions and homework, but also with the space to allow me to go where i needed to, with her guidance. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget. Thank you Karen for all that you did to help me move forward.”

Kari, New Brunswick

"Working with Karen was the right decision for me at the right time. I was stuck. I had no idea how to move forward. I realized that I couldn’t do it alone and that’s where Karen comes in. She was a true coach for me – supportive, focused, and adaptable. She also challenged me to move out of my rut, providing me with a myriad of tools that I still use today. I am a stronger and better person today because of my work with Karen. Thank you always!"

P. Durrani, Ottawa, ON

“I just wanted to say how much you're really truly helping me, and I appreciate you so much. I've seen so many people about my past, and you're the first to really seem to truly understand what I went through, and you're helping me to see how it's still affecting me today, which nobody has shown me and I never knew why I am the way I am until you. So thank you! :)”

Sarah, Ottawa, ON

"Working with Karen was one of the best things I have ever done for myself. I wanted to move my life in a new direction but was uncertain how and at a loss where to start. It is difficult to express my true gratitude to Karen and the effect she has had on my life. She helped me to clarify decisions, find direction for my business dreams, build the courage and confidence to move forward and inspired me with her wisdom and honesty. She always knew what I needed and used numerous techniques (mental, spiritual and practical action steps) to guide me. (All this and we laughed lots too!) She left me with an amazing set of tools and a great sense of strength to draw upon. If you are ready to make change in your life but need some help along the way, get in touch with Karen. I know that you will love working with her."

Charlotte, Ottawa, ON

"I was hesitant to ask for help during a particularly challenging time in my life. I was at an age where my adult life was just beginning and there were so many different paths I could follow and forces pulling me in every different direction. After receiving coaching from Karen, I was able to gain the confidence I had been lacking to make decisions for myself. After each session with Karen I felt empowered. I felt like I was walking taller, speaking louder and just generally taking on the world with a whole new outlook. I felt confident and hopeful for my future because I now had the tools she had given me to take on anything that came my way. I couldn't have asked for a better outcome from Karen's coaching and would recommend her to anyone."

Sydney, Toronto, ON

“I took life coaching lessons from Karen, who is a knowledgeable and inspiring coach. She has guided me through some really challenging times, helping me to see myself more positively, and to believe that I can get what I want. After each session with her, I felt grounded and powerful. Everything in my life is getting better, and I now have a job after being unemployed for over a year. I have also read her book and love it! Her personal experiences really resonate with me, leaving me to believe that if she can do it, so can I. Free to be me is the ultimate guide for how to change your life. I highly recommend it and will be passing on many copies to my friends.”

Linda, Ottawa, ON

Ready To Invest in a Happier You?

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