Award-winning speaker

Karen Strang Allen

Your go-to expert on personal empowerment and relationships

Winner of Ottawa’s 2017 World Class Speaker award, Karen is a vibrant speaker, transformational life coach, and certified Jack Canfield trainer who captivates her audience with genuine warmth, boundless energy, and contagious enthusiasm.

She doesn’t just talk the talk — she walks the walk, inspiring transformation through relatable stories, actionable tips, and hands-on activities. With a sprinkle of humour and a dash of interactive learning, Karen makes personal and professional growth enjoyable again.

Attendees walk away empowered, armed with both inspiration and practical tools to drive themselves toward remarkable success.

Rewriting the Cinderella Story

Where Confidence Comes From



Looking for an engaging speaker to light up your next event? Look no further than Karen! Her talks are a perfect blend of inspiration, practical tools and humour, leaving your audience smiling and feeling motivated to tackle new challenges.

Relationships are the lifeblood of any workplace, home and community…yet most of us were never taught how to successfully navigate the challenges of interacting with others. Karen teaches her audiences how to communicate effectively, listen empathically, and negotiate differences so that your workplace is an environment of harmony and collaboration, not conflict and competition.

With experience speaking in-person and virtually to groups ranging from 20 to 150 attendees, Karen has wowed clients like the eWomen’s Network, WOW World of Women, Primerica, Carleton University, Health Canada, and Industry Canada.

Drawing from the wisdom of industry greats like Jack Canfield and Brendon Burchard, Karen crafts each speech and workshop to fit your organization’s unique needs and goals.

Her message is clear: every obstacle and conflict is an opportunity in disguise. She’ll show your team how to rise above challenges together, achieve a common vision, and create healthy relationships, both at home and at work.

So get ready for an unforgettable experience that leaves your team energized and ready for success!


Topics and keynotes


Fostering synergy in the workplace


Building resilience - How to cope with stress and change in the workplace


Setting goals that inspire and motivate


How to communicate without conflict


5 keys to healthier relationships…at home and at work


Success principles for living an empowered life

“I loved how you structured the weekend...slides, short partner shares, exercises, and physical movement to give the soul a break 🙂 And the transformational exercises!! I don't think any of the women there will soon forget the feeling of those hugs and affirmation of Day 1 and the hockey stick ‘limbo’ of Day 2.”


participant at Heartbreak to Breakthrough two-day live workshop

“Listening to Karen Allen speak about attracting abundance...rivetting.”


an attendee at Abundance talk for eWomen Network

“That was one of the best seminars I’ve heard in a while. You weren’t hawking products all night and you had something powerful to say. Loved it.”


participant at Lemons to Lemonade live workshop

"Loved your exercises... very different from what I have done before! Loved the examples, the content, your knowledge. You are FABULOUS! A real magician!" —Chantal, participant at Break FREE workshop."


participant at Break FREE workshop​.

Karen in the spotlight

Inspiring stories of love and healing in the media 


Work Less Profit More podcast

We’re often juggling many things…work, kids, friends, caregiving duties…so how do we “do all the things” without burning out? As a single mom & entrepreneur, I’ve gone through burnout twice…and learned some very valuable lessons about how to better balance everyone else’s needs with my own. Check out this podcast episode with business coach Diana Lidstone to learn more: “You can have it all, but only if you do this!”

March 2024

Listen Now

Love Revolution podcast

What a fun interview with Love Revolution podcast host Alan Watts! We talked about relationships from both a woman’s and man’s POV, and why modern dating looks like the Zombie Apocalypse!

February 2024

Listen Now


Get back on track with your goals in this radio interview with CFRA’s Patricia Boal: “Struggling with resolutions already? Tips to get back on track.”

January 2024

Listen Now

Roger's TV

Learn how to stay safe when dating in this Rogers TV interview with Derick Fage: “Tips to avoid online dating scams.”

May 2023

Listen Now

Thrive TV

Check out this Thrive TV interview with Lauren Parson on “Why relationships are so hard” You’ll discover: “why relationships often fail, the 3 keys to lasting love, and the one question to regularly ask your partner”

November 2019

Listen Now

Rogers TV

Discover how to find a great partner in this funny video interview with Dylan Black: “Soulmate Attraction Summit.”

April 2019

Listen Now


Women Rock Magazine

I was thrilled to be featured in the Spring 2023 edition of Women Rock Magazine! My article is on pp. 30-31: “Empowering Single Women.”

April 2023

Read Now

Find out how to succeed with goal-setting in this CBC article: “Experts say this is why we fail to fulfill our New Year’s resolutions.”

Jan 2023

Read Now

Discover how dating has changed during the pandemic in this CBC article: “Ghosting, vaccine status and changing first meets: That’s dating during COVID-19.”

Dec 2021

Read Now

Professional credentials

The foundations of women-centered coaching

(The Institute for Woman-Centered Coaching, Training & Leadership)

Transformational coaching

(Transformational Coaching Academy)

Neuro-linguistic programming

(NLP Canada)

Assertiveness coaching

(Doreen Virtue)

Success training

(Jack Canfield)

“Love, love love this workshop! The share we all did with each other was so profound! I also loved the ‘raise the bar’ powerful.”


participant at Heartbreak to Breakthrough two-day live workshop

“Great presentation. We had a wonderful time last night and you did a great job Karen. Would love to have you in the office to talk to the reps.”


regional vice president, Primerica

“Extremely knowledgeable, well presented, and plenty of exercises to solidify what is being presented and help make it our own. So many amazing exercises!”


Transform Your Life participant.,

"I wanted to say thank you again from the bottom of my heart for your workshop this past weekend. What you are doing for Ottawa’s community of single women is nothing short of extraordinary. I found the exercises so useful and beneficial to finally release all past hurts. The story I am telling myself in my head is one of accomplishment and a life well-lived!"


participant at Heartbreak to Breakthrough two-day live event.

Invite Karen to speak…

Ready to see how Karen can inspire your audience?