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Creating healthy relationships | Recovering from loss & heartbreak

How to love others without losing YOU

August 28, 2024
Posted by Karen Strang Allen

“To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” ―Oscar Wilde


Have you ever gone through a break-up or divorce and felt completely crushed, devastated, shattered?

It feels like your whole world has been turned upside down. Like nothing will ever be the same again. Like there’s nothing stable to lean on. Like you don’t even know who you are any more.

Losing someone you love (or once loved) and shared a life with is a big change…it changes where you live, how much money you have, who you have to rely on, who you spend time with.

It’s normal to feel uncertain and confused about which way is forward when a relationship ends.

So how can we open our hearts to love again, without fearing the same kind of emotional devastation if the relationship doesn’t end up lasting a lifetime? How can we love others without losing ourselves?

Over-investing in romantic love

In my line of work, I see so many truly amazing women crushed by relationships that end. (And I have felt this way myself…the bottom really fell out after my husband died when I was only 22.)

Grief and fear are to be expected in the wake of so much change. But does complete devastation have to be?

Much of the reason why people completely fall apart after a relationship ends is because they’ve over-invested in that relationship. In other words, they’ve placed all their “eggs” (energy, attention, time) in one basket, and not placed enough in other equally important baskets.

After all, romantic love is just one form of love. There are many other sources – kids, friends, family, community, self. But in North American culture especially, we tend to focus almost exclusively on the idea of finding “one person” to love and live our lives with. And this creates imbalance.

I often see women ditch their girlfriends the second they begin a new relationship. (I admit I’ve done this too.) Imagine how those friends feel…the message we are giving them is that they’re only important until someone better comes along.

I also see countless women ditching their own goals, dreams and passions the second a man comes along. Suddenly, they’re no longer interested in doing things that used to bring them joy. Everything becomes about doing things as a couple, and about what he wants to do. No wonder women have the sense of losing themselves – they really are!

Of course there needs to be some give and take in a relationship, and to compromise occasionally. But if you are sacrificing your goals, dreams, identity and wellbeing to be with someone, you’re not just compromising…you’re sacrificing yourself. And that is too high a price to pay, for any relationship.

In the end, the only person you can be sure will be with you until death is YOU. So it’s important to make that relationship a real priority!

From dependence to interdependence

In our parents’ and grandparents’ generations, relationships weren’t really about happiness…they were about survival. A man needed a woman to create a happy home and look after the children. A woman needed a man to provide for and protect her and the kids. Each had a role to play, and each was dependent on the other.

The problem with this model is that if you base your happiness on another person, when they change or leave, you suddenly become unhappy (and there is little you can do about your unhappiness without trying to control the other person). If happiness is sourced externally, it is outside of your control.

Today, a lot has changed. Most women are perfectly capable of providing for themselves. And most men know how to care for children and run a household. No longer are we dependent on each other for survival. We have moved into a state of independence.

Independence is a definite step forward, but it has also resulted in a lot of failed relationships, and in a skittishness around commitment. We have a lot of people wanting a romantic relationship, but fearful that having one means giving up freedom and independence.

Thankfully, there is a third level that I believe as a society we are moving towards.

Stephen Covey talks about three stages of maturity in relationships:

1. Dependence – Each person is dependent on the other for happiness and survival (you meet my needs, or else I’ll blame you for my unhappiness). This is the level of the child.

2. Independence – Each person is dependent on themselves for happiness and survival (I can do it myself / I am responsible and self-reliant). It is a stage of self-sufficiency, but also sometimes leads to loneliness. This is the level of the teenager.

3. Interdependence – Each person makes themselves happy, but also chooses to come together to create something greater than what’s possible alone (we can cooperate, combine our talents and resources). This is the level of the mature adult.

It’s this desire for interdependence that has us wanting to continue to couple, despite having experienced and witnessed the challenges of being in the dependent and independent phases.

A new paradigm for relationships

What if we can create a new paradigm for our relationships? One that is based on interdependence? One where male and female energy is balanced within each person and between both people?

For this to happen, we first must move from dependence to independence…from requiring the other to make us happy, to knowing how to do that for ourselves. This involves creating a stable foundation within our own lives and within ourselves, so that we know how to meet our own needs, love who we are and love the life we are living (independent of a romantic partner).

Then, we need to learn how to be in relationship with others without extracting energy from them or losing our own. To do this, we need to become adept at sourcing our energy from source energy (meditating, praying, journaling, communing with nature), and at coming into energetic alignment on own.

In other words, we need to be able to make ourselves happy without needing someone else to do that for us. We must take complete responsibility for our actions, thoughts, and reactions, and do the inner work required to be mature adults in our relationships with others.

In this new paradigm of relationship, each person has enough freedom to continue to be who they really are…to pursue their goals, dreams and passions. Gone is the need to be a chameleon and change oneself to please the other. And gone is the need to “make our partner happy,” because they already know how to do that for themselves. Instead, there is a coming together of two people whose cups are already overflowing with joy, creating a “happiness blend.”

Of course, challenges will arise in any relationship. Relationships are the perfect mirror to show us what still needs healing within ourselves. But in an evolved, interdependent relationship between two conscious people, those conflicts will be resolvable. Both individuals will know how to calm their emotional reactions, and come together to brainstorm a solution that is truly win-win.

Creating a stable foundation

Imagine building a house and making the foundation another person. If that person leaves, cheats, or dies, the whole house comes crashing down. That’s because the foundation for your happiness is not meant to be another – it’s meant to be YOU!

If you want to create a truly interdependent relationship and love someone without losing yourself, it really begins with making your own happiness a real priority in your own life. You must transition (if you haven’t already) from stage 1 to 2…from blaming others for your unhappiness to taking complete responsibility for how you feel and creating a life that you truly enjoy, one that’s based on your passions and values and desires.

With this stable foundation, you will be able to enter a relationship with someone and maintain your center and independence, even when there are challenges.

The key to being in successful relationships with others (all others, not just romantic partners) is to know what you want and to be confident in who you are so that you don’t collapse your identity and merge with the other. When you are centered in yourself, you can freely share who you are with others and co-create a new entity (the relationship) without losing your own individuality.

It’s like building something using independent Lego pieces, instead of welding something together that can no longer be separated.

The world is changing, and relationships are evolving quickly. Interdependence will eventually become the new paradigm…and I believe our world will be a better place because of it. But it starts with leaving behind our overly dependent ways, and becoming truly responsible for our own life and happiness.

Wishing you healthy, balanced, interdependent relationships!


For more on this topic, please see my free video training:

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  1. Wendy Richardson

    This is awsome Karen, I’ve told this to some people, that they need to love themselves first and they look at me like I’m weird, and I have friends that say I should be doing more to “make my partner happy” and I say if he’s not happy now nothing I do can change that.
    Needless to say I sent this article to them, lol

    • Karen Strang Allen

      Wonderful Wendy! I’m glad you are advocating for each person taking responsibility for their own happiness. Of course we can contribute to the happiness of others, but so many women take on too much responsibility that isn’t theirs, and burn out as a result. I’m glad you enjoyed the article! 🙂


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About the author

Karen Strang Allen

Karen is a love and empowerment coach for single women. Widowed at 22 and separated at 35, Karen’s mission is to help single women feel great about who they are and create a life they love so they attract their dream partner. 

Learn More about Karen