Create an extraordinary life and healthy relationships!


Cracking the code to lasting love: A self-assessment

Take this insightful quiz to find out if you’re ready to meet your soulmate, and what might be stopping you…awareness is the first step to creating change!

Fall in love with yourself again…

Rediscover what’s great about you and fall back in love with the incredible woman you’ve always been, so you feel empowered to set higher standards in life and love.

Create an extraordinary life…

Reconnect with your passions, unlock your potential and experience a life filled with joy beyond your imagination (even before your soulmate is here).

Find a terrific life partner!

Radiate your authentic, most confident self and effortlessly draw in a high-quality partner who celebrates and loves you for you.

Are you tired of losing yourself in your relationships?

You’re everything a partner would want—smart, incredible, caring—the OVERALL PACKAGE. Yet you still struggle to find the RIGHT partner who can give as much as you do.

So you end up:


Going through heartbreak after heartbreak


Losing touch with your own worth


Giving too much and not getting enough in return


Falling into unhealthy relationship patterns


Struggling to set boundaries and standards


Losing hope in love

Sound familiar? You’re not alone.

As an experienced love and empowerment coach who has worked with thousands of women over the past decade, I understand these challenges all too well.

And here’s the good news… love doesn’t have to be a constant battle. With the right guidance, you can break free from these destructive patterns and find the healthy, happy, epic love relationship you deserve.

Let’s break the cycle of sadness, frustration, and disappointment together. You deserve a love that UPLIFTS and EMPOWERS you. Let me show you how to find it!

As featured in

Attract the love and joy you deserve

Let’s create the life and relationship you’ve always dreamed of!

  Step 1

Watch my free training

Learn how to confidently attract a great partner and create an extraordinary relationship…even if you’ve never had one before.

  Step 2

Take my free quiz

This insightful self-assessment will show you what’s blocking your path to lasting love.

  Step 3

Get a customized love and empowerment strategy

Let’s connect and create a customized plan that sets you on the path to healing, happiness, and finding your ideal partner.

Successful love journeys

Feel uplifted by these inspiring stories of women who found love…

Karen was a catalyst for a personal development within myself that showed me that I was worth it. It was worth doing that work on myself in order to prepare myself to be able to receive this beautiful man who came into my life and allowed me to have a healthy relationship and see what an actual healthy relationship looks like. So working with Karen was really a catalyst to get me headed in the right direction and finding the love of my life and living the life of my dreams.”

Wendy Mason

“I met Karen in 2019. I was desperate for help because I was meeting all those guys that didn’t have what I was looking for. And I decided to take her course Heartbreak to Soulmate…I learned more about myself during those courses, and it was the best thing in my life, and that’s how I met two years ago my boyfriend.”

Gisele Samure

“A few years later, I left a very abusive relationship that lasted 29 years. I took one of Karen’s programs, and it changed me forever. And as a result of her program, I met a man who is now my husband, very happily married now for five years, together for almost nine. And I just want to say if you’re thinking about Karen’s program, highly recommend taking it.”

Karen Benell

“I was having so many first dates but not many second or third dates. It really was like the movie 51st dates. And Karen really helped me to dig deep. What I really enjoyed about working with Karen was that inner work and the guidance she offered as a coach because I really needed some direction, guidance, and support, and she was able to offer that to me…I would highly recommend Karen as a coach. I think anyone who really is feeling stuck in different areas of their life would really benefit from working with Karen.

Karine Bollman

“Karen really helped me see my blind spots, and she really helps keep me more accountable…..I felt like it was kind of like I knew it, but it really helped to be with her in those check-ins to remember to actually practice those things. So I’m super grateful to Karen, and I highly recommend her programs.” 

Chantal Houde

“I could have taken all the courses I wanted, but Karen’s work is so streamlined and it is so precise, and she really helps you with tools and techniques. And if you follow this and we do the work, you are going to have like the same kind of beautiful transformation because that’s what her programs do. They truly, truly, truly turn things around for you, and you end up living a life that was only a dream.”

Jenny Kaser

Meet your love and empowerment coach

Are you tired of trying to figure out how to find the right partner?

Or maybe you’ve decided that it’s finally time for you to stop settling & claim the love you truly deserve?

Hi there, I’m Karen Strang Allen, your love and empowerment coach. My mission is to help you find your SOULMATE without losing YOURSELF along the way.

I’ve been where you are because, like you, I’ve faced heartbreak and loss.

My world fell apart after my first husband died from cancer and I became a widow at 22. Then at 35, my heart was broken again when my second husband and I split up, with two young children in the wake of our failed relationship.

I was discouraged and lonely until I realized the power of self-love. Heartbreak can be a tremendous catalyst for personal and spiritual growth. So I rebuilt my life (even better than before), reclaimed my confidence, and made my own happiness and wellbeing a real priority.

If there’s one thing I learned from these experiences, it’s that healthy love is a wonderful thing. But before you find it somewhere else, you must find it within. And this is where I can help you.

My proven coaching strategies have transformed the lives of thousands of women across North America, helping them rediscover their power, create joy-filled lives, and find healthy, happy relationships.

Now, it’s your turn. Whether you’re newly single, frustrated with dating, or unsure how to find a great partner, I’m here to help YOU rewrite your love story.


From Heartbreak to Soulmate!

It’s time to break the cycle of losing yourself in the name of love. Join me in becoming an empowered woman who loves her life and will never EVER settle for less than she deserves again!


Break FREE from your past, leaving pain and anger behind


Get CLEAR about who you are and what you want for your life


Become FEARLESS as you create an identity and life you truly love


Discover EMPOWERED dating and master the art of attracting the right partner for you


Have FUN dating, and put into practice what you've learned


Become the CONFIDENT, empowered partner your soulmate would choose!

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The Empowered Woman:
Navigating life and love with confidence

The power of appreciation to transform your relationships (and self-esteem)

The power of appreciation to transform your relationships (and self-esteem)

One of the most common things I hear women say is that they don’t feel appreciated. Many grew up in dysfunctional families with critical parents, where there was a lack of appreciation and positive mirroring. Thankfully, all is not lost. We can learn how to express appreciation now and better affirm ourselves, our loved ones, and future generations.

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Fools rush in: Is it love or infatuation?

Fools rush in: Is it love or infatuation?

When we confuse love and infatuation, it causes all sorts of problems…like rushing into a relationship too soon, committing to living together or getting married too quickly, choosing the wrong partner, staying too long, and feeling heartbroken when things don’t work out. So let’s look at the important differences between love and infatuation…

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Cracking the code to lasting love: A self-assessment

Are you really READY for your soulmate? Discover your blocks to finding a great partner and what you need to change by taking the quiz!