Making choices in love can be one of the hardest decisions in our lives, especially if past experiences have left us feeling hurt and fearful. So let’s explore how to cultivate self-trust and make empowered decisions in your romantic life…
The trust factor: Creating safety in a relationship
Excerpt: Trust is the cornerstone of any meaningful relationship, yet building that trust with a new partner we don’t know well yet can feel challenging. How do we open our hearts to love while still protecting ourselves from pain? So let’s talk about how to create safety in a relationship…
How to know who to trust: Identifying who deserves your heart
Trust is the foundation of any meaningful relationship. It’s what allows us to be vulnerable, to show our true selves, and to connect deeply with others. But how do we decide who deserves our trust? The answer lies in learning to recalibrate your people picker…
The power of appreciation to transform your relationships (and self-esteem)
One of the most common things I hear women say is that they don’t feel appreciated. Many grew up in dysfunctional families with critical parents, where there was a lack of appreciation and positive mirroring. Thankfully, all is not lost. We can learn how to express appreciation now and better affirm ourselves, our loved ones, and future generations.
Understanding love: What love is (and isn’t)
Much of what our popular culture references when it comes to love is fundamentally unhealthy…and isn’t really love at all. So let’s take a closer look at what love is…and isn’t!
How to love others without losing YOU
People often fall apart after a relationship ends because they’ve over-invested in that relationship. So how can we open our hearts to love again, without fearing the same kind of emotional devastation if the relationship doesn’t end up lasting a lifetime? How can we love others without losing ourselves?
Relationship audit: How to assess who deserves a spot in your life
The people we’re around most greatly influence the quality of our life. That’s why it’s important to do a relationship audit to see if you have the right people in your life (and if you don’t, what to do about it)…
Why great people end up in bad relationships
When you’re stuck in a pattern of unhealthy relationships, it can be very frustrating (and exhausting). Learn more about where this pattern comes from, and how to change it!
The connection between loving ourselves and loving others
Our ability to love ourselves (a.k.a. “self-love”) is closely connected to our ability to love others and have healthy relationships. So in this article, we’ll pull back the curtain and clear up the mystery about what self-love really means, and why it’s so important…
When love isn’t healthy
Learn what healthy love looks like and how to avoid emotional abuse.
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Karen Strang Allen
Karen is a love and empowerment coach for single women. Widowed at 22 and separated at 35, Karen’s mission is to help single women feel great about who they are and create a life they love so they attract their dream partner.